Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AiFractals::AiAboutA custom class for creating an About dialog
AiFractals::AiCommandA custom class for creating undo command
AiFractals::AiConfigA custom class for creating a Tab tools
AiFractals::AiConfigFractalsA custom class for creating a configuration fractals Tab
AiFractals::AiConfigGeneratorA custom class for creating a configuration tab
AiFractals::AiConfigToolsA custom class for creating a Tab tools
AiFractals::AiConfigZoneA custom class for creating a Complex Zone configuration Tab
AiFractals::AiHelpA custom class for creating a Help dialog
AiFractals::AiHorizontalMarginA custom class for creating a horizontal margin or sidebar, like GTK+
AiFractals::AiMainWindowA main window for AiFractals
AiFractals::AiMenuBarA custom class for menubar
AiFractals::AiStatusBarA custom class for status bar
AiGenerator::AiThreadA custom class for creating a multi-threading (for fractals generation)
AiFractals::AiToolBarA custom class for creating a toolbar widget
AiFractals::AiUndoDialogA custom class for creating a undo dialog
AiFractals::AiUndoModelA custom class for creating a undo model
AiFractals::AiUndoViewA custom class for creating a undo view (like QUndoView)
AiFractals::AiVerticalMarginA custom class for creating a vertica margin or sidebar, like GTK+
AiFractals::AiViewA custom class for creating an view image widget
AiFractals::AiViewerAreaA custom class for creating an view area widget
AiGenerator::AiZoneA custom class for creating a perfect complex zone
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Generated on Sat Feb 27 08:33:08 2010 for AiFractals by  doxygen 1.6.1