constructor with optional parent
Definition at line 46 of file aimenubar.cpp. 00047 :QMenuBar( parent ) 00048 { 00049 //~File 00050 { 00051 QMenu * fileMenu = this->addMenu( tr("&File") ); 00052 fileMenu->setObjectName( "fileMenu" ); 00053 { 00054 QAction * fileOpen= new QAction( tr( "&Open" ), this ); 00055 fileOpen->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/open") ) ); 00056 fileOpen->setShortcut(QKeySequence::New); 00057 fileOpen->setStatusTip( tr("Open Image") ); 00058 this->connect( fileOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(fileOpen()) ); 00059 00060 QAction * fileSave= new QAction( tr( "&Save" ), this ); 00061 fileSave->setObjectName( "fileSave" ); 00062 fileSave->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/save") ) ); 00063 fileSave->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Save); 00064 fileSave->setStatusTip( tr("Save Image") ); 00065 this->connect( fileSave, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(fileSave()) ); 00066 00067 QAction * fileSaveAs= new QAction( tr( "Save &As" ), this ); 00068 fileSaveAs->setObjectName( "fileSaveAs" ); 00069 fileSaveAs->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/saveas") ) ); 00070 fileSaveAs->setShortcut(QKeySequence::SaveAs); 00071 fileSaveAs->setStatusTip( tr("Save as...") ); 00072 this->connect( fileSaveAs, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(fileSaveAs()) ); 00073 00074 QAction * filePrint= new QAction( tr( "&Print" ), this ); 00075 filePrint->setObjectName( "filePrint" ); 00076 filePrint->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/print") ) ); 00077 filePrint->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Print); 00078 filePrint->setStatusTip( tr("Print") ); 00079 this->connect( filePrint, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(filePrint()) ); 00080 00081 QAction * fileClear= new QAction( tr( "&Clear" ), this ); 00082 fileClear->setObjectName( "fileClear" ); 00083 fileClear->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/clear") ) ); 00084 fileClear->setStatusTip( tr("Clear") ); 00085 this->connect( fileClear, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(fileClear()) ); 00086 00087 QAction * fileQuit= new QAction( tr( "&Quit" ), this ); 00088 fileQuit->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/quit") ) ); 00089 fileQuit->setShortcut(QKeySequence(tr("Ctrl+Q"))); 00090 fileQuit->setStatusTip( tr("Quit") ); 00091 this->connect( fileQuit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(fileQuit()) ); 00092 00093 fileMenu->addAction( fileOpen ); 00094 fileMenu->addSeparator(); 00095 fileMenu->addAction( fileSave ); 00096 fileMenu->addAction( fileSaveAs ); 00097 fileMenu->addSeparator(); 00098 fileMenu->addAction( filePrint ); 00099 fileMenu->addSeparator(); 00100 fileMenu->addAction( fileClear ); 00101 fileMenu->addSeparator(); 00102 fileMenu->addAction( fileQuit ); 00103 } 00104 } 00105 00106 00107 //~ Zoom 00108 { 00109 QMenu * zoomMenu = this->addMenu( tr("&Zoom") ); 00110 zoomMenu->setObjectName( "zoomMenu" ); 00111 { 00112 QAction * zoomZoomIn= new QAction( tr( "Zoom In" ), this ); 00113 zoomZoomIn->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/zoom-in") ) ); 00114 zoomZoomIn->setShortcut(QKeySequence::ZoomIn); 00115 zoomZoomIn->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom In") ); 00116 this->connect( zoomZoomIn, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoomZoomIn()) ); 00117 00118 QAction * zoomZoomOut= new QAction( tr( "Zoom Out" ), this ); 00119 zoomZoomOut->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/zoom-out") ) ); 00120 zoomZoomOut->setShortcut(QKeySequence::ZoomOut); 00121 zoomZoomOut->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom Out") ); 00122 this->connect( zoomZoomOut, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoomZoomOut()) ); 00123 00124 QAction * zoomFitInWindow= new QAction( tr( "Fit in window" ), this ); 00125 zoomFitInWindow->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/zoom-fit") ) ); 00126 zoomFitInWindow->setStatusTip( tr("Fit in window") ); 00127 this->connect( zoomFitInWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoomFitInWindow()) ); 00128 00129 QAction * zoomFitToWindow= new QAction( tr( "Fit to window" ), this ); 00130 zoomFitToWindow->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/fit-zoom") ) ); 00131 zoomFitToWindow->setStatusTip( tr("Fit to window") ); 00132 this->connect( zoomFitToWindow, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoomFitToWindow()) ); 00133 00134 QAction * zoom1600p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 1600%" ), this );; 00135 zoom1600p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 1600%") ); 00136 this->connect( zoom1600p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom1600p()) ); 00137 00138 QAction * zoom800p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 800%" ), this ); 00139 zoom800p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 800%") ); 00140 this->connect( zoom800p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom800p()) ); 00141 00142 QAction * zoom400p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 400%" ), this ); 00143 zoom400p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 400%") ); 00144 this->connect( zoom400p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom400p()) ); 00145 00146 QAction * zoom200p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 200%" ), this ); 00147 zoom200p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 200%") ); 00148 this->connect( zoom200p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom200p()) ); 00149 00150 QAction * zoom100p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 100%" ), this ); 00151 zoom100p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 100%") ); 00152 this->connect( zoom100p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom100p()) ); 00153 00154 QAction * zoom50p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 50%" ), this ); 00155 zoom50p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 50%") ); 00156 this->connect( zoom50p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom50p()) ); 00157 00158 QAction * zoom25p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 25%" ), this ); 00159 zoom25p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 25%") ); 00160 this->connect( zoom25p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom25p()) ); 00161 00162 QAction * zoom12_5p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 12.5" ), this ); 00163 zoom12_5p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 12.5%") ); 00164 this->connect( zoom12_5p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom12_5p()) ); 00165 00166 QAction * zoom6_25p= new QAction( tr( "Zoom 6.25" ), this ); 00167 zoom6_25p->setStatusTip( tr("Zoom 6.25%") ); 00168 this->connect( zoom6_25p, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(zoom6_25p()) ); 00169 00170 zoomMenu->addAction( zoomZoomIn ); 00171 zoomMenu->addAction( zoomZoomOut ); 00172 zoomMenu->addSeparator(); 00173 zoomMenu->addAction( zoomFitInWindow ); 00174 zoomMenu->addAction( zoomFitToWindow ); 00175 zoomMenu->addSeparator(); 00176 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom1600p ); 00177 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom800p ); 00178 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom400p ); 00179 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom200p ); 00180 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom100p ); 00181 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom50p ); 00182 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom25p ); 00183 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom12_5p ); 00184 zoomMenu->addAction( zoom6_25p ); 00185 } 00186 } 00187 00188 00189 //~ Image 00190 { 00191 QMenu * imageMenu = this->addMenu( tr("&Image") ); 00192 imageMenu->setObjectName( "imageMenu" ); 00193 { 00194 QAction * imageHorizontalMirror= new QAction( tr( "Horizontal Mirror" ), this ); 00195 imageHorizontalMirror->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/d+180") ) ); 00196 imageHorizontalMirror->setStatusTip( tr("Horizontal Mirror") ); 00197 this->connect( imageHorizontalMirror, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(imageHorizontalMirror()) ); 00198 00199 QAction * imageVerticalMirror= new QAction( tr( "Vertical Mirror" ), this ); 00200 imageVerticalMirror->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/d-90") ) ); 00201 imageVerticalMirror->setStatusTip( tr("Vertical Mirror") ); 00202 this->connect( imageVerticalMirror, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(imageVerticalMirror()) ); 00203 00204 QAction * imageRotation90= new QAction( tr( "Rotation 90°" ), this ); 00205 imageRotation90->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/d+90") ) ); 00206 imageRotation90->setStatusTip( tr("Rotation 90°") ); 00207 this->connect( imageRotation90, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(imageRotation90()) ); 00208 00209 QAction * imageRotationNigative90= new QAction( tr( "Rotation -90°" ), this ); 00210 imageRotationNigative90->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/d-90") ) ); 00211 imageRotationNigative90->setStatusTip( tr("Rotation -90°") ); 00212 this->connect( imageRotationNigative90, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(imageRotationNigative90()) ); 00213 00214 QAction * imageRotation180= new QAction( tr( "Rotation 180°" ), this ); 00215 imageRotation180->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/d+180") ) ); 00216 imageRotation180->setStatusTip( tr("Rotation 180°") ); 00217 this->connect( imageRotation180, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(imageRotation180()) ); 00218 00219 imageMenu->addAction( imageHorizontalMirror ); 00220 imageMenu->addAction( imageVerticalMirror ); 00221 imageMenu->addSeparator(); 00222 imageMenu->addAction( imageRotation90 ); 00223 imageMenu->addAction( imageRotationNigative90 ); 00224 imageMenu->addAction( imageRotation180 ); 00225 } 00226 } 00227 00228 00229 //~ Generator 00230 { 00231 QMenu * generatorMenu = this->addMenu( tr("&Complex Zone") ); 00232 { 00233 QAction * genRun= new QAction( tr( "Run" ), this ); 00234 genRun->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/run") ) ); 00235 genRun->setStatusTip( tr("Run") ); 00236 this->connect( genRun, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(genRun()) ); 00237 00238 QAction * genStop= new QAction( tr( "Stop" ), this ); 00239 genStop->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/stop") ) ); 00240 genStop->setStatusTip( tr("Stop") ); 00241 this->connect( genStop, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(genStop()) ); 00242 00243 QAction * genThreadsNumbers= new QAction( tr( "Threads" ), this ); 00244 genThreadsNumbers->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/threads") ) ); 00245 genThreadsNumbers->setStatusTip( tr("Threads") ); 00246 this->connect( genThreadsNumbers, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(genThreadsNumbers()) ); 00247 00248 QAction * genChooseFractal= new QAction( tr( "Fractals" ), this ); 00249 genChooseFractal->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/fractals") ) ); 00250 genChooseFractal->setStatusTip( tr("Fractals") ); 00251 this->connect( genChooseFractal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(genChooseFractal()) ); 00252 00253 QAction * complexZone= new QAction( tr( "Zone" ), this ); 00254 complexZone->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/complex") ) ); 00255 complexZone->setStatusTip( tr("Zone") ); 00256 this->connect( complexZone, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(complexZone()) ); 00257 00258 QAction * serialize= new QAction( tr( "Serialize" ), this ); 00259 serialize->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/serialize") ) ); 00260 serialize->setStatusTip( tr("Serialize") ); 00261 this->connect( serialize, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(serialize()) ); 00262 00263 QAction * deserialize= new QAction( tr( "Deserialize" ), this ); 00264 deserialize->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/deserialize") ) ); 00265 deserialize->setStatusTip( tr("Deserialize") ); 00266 this->connect( deserialize, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(deserialize()) ); 00267 00268 generatorMenu->addAction( genRun ); 00269 generatorMenu->addAction( genStop ); 00270 generatorMenu->addSeparator(); 00271 generatorMenu->addAction( genThreadsNumbers ); 00272 generatorMenu->addAction( genChooseFractal ); 00273 generatorMenu->addSeparator(); 00274 generatorMenu->addAction( complexZone ); 00275 generatorMenu->addSeparator(); 00276 generatorMenu->addAction( serialize ); 00277 generatorMenu->addAction( deserialize ); 00278 00279 } 00280 } 00281 00282 //~ Help 00283 { 00284 QMenu * helpMenu = this->addMenu( tr("&Help") ); 00285 { 00286 QAction * helpHelp = new QAction( tr( "Help" ), this ); 00287 helpHelp->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/help") ) ); 00288 helpHelp->setStatusTip( tr("Help!") ); 00289 this->connect( helpHelp, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(helpHelp()) ); 00290 00291 QAction * helpAbout = new QAction( tr( "About" ), this ); 00292 helpAbout->setIcon( QIcon( tr(":/png/about") ) ); 00293 helpAbout->setStatusTip( tr("About") ); 00294 this->connect( helpAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(helpAbout()) ); 00295 00296 helpMenu->addAction( helpHelp ); 00297 helpMenu->addSeparator(); 00298 helpMenu->addAction( helpAbout ); 00299 } 00300 } 00301 00302 } |