void AiMainWindow::snapshot ( AiGenerator::AiZone zone  )  [private, slot]

slot for updating view with new image in complex zone

evrey complited iteration

zone : current zone from script

Definition at line 1081 of file aimainwindow.cpp.

01082 {
01083     try
01084     {
01085         QMutex mutex;
01086         mutex.lock();
01087         {
01088             m_storage.replace( zone->getStartPoint(), zone->image() );
01090             static int count = 0;
01091             count++;
01092             if ( count == m_startedThreads && m_storage.size() > 0 )
01093             {
01094                 QImage tmp;
01095                 //~ if screen is empty create a new empty image
01096                 if( m_view->view()->emptyScreen() && m_config->getImageWidth() > 0 && m_config->getImageHeight() > 0 )
01097                 {
01098                     tmp = QImage(m_config->getImageWidth(), m_config->getImageHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
01099                     tmp.fill(Qt::transparent);
01100                 }
01101                 else if( (m_config->getImageWidth() == 0 || m_config->getImageHeight() == 0) && m_storage.count() > 0  )
01102                 {
01103                     tmp = QImage( m_storage[0].width(), m_storage[0].height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
01104                     tmp.fill(Qt::transparent);
01105                 }
01106                 else //~ get a current screen image for adding to it, a generated image =)
01107                 {
01108                     tmp = m_view->view()->image();
01109                 }
01111                 QPainter painter( &tmp );
01112                 for( int index = 0 ; index < m_storage.size() ; index++ )
01113                 {
01114                     if( index == 0 )
01115                     {
01116                         //# set to first thread a deferent compsition mode
01117                         painter.setCompositionMode( m_firstCompositionModeIndex );
01118                     }
01119                     else
01120                     {
01121                         painter.setCompositionMode( m_othersCompositionModeIndex );
01122                     }
01123                     painter.drawImage(0,0, m_storage[ index ] );
01124                 }
01125                 painter.end();
01127                 m_view->view()->makeUpdate( tmp, false );
01128                 count = 0;
01129             }
01130         }
01131         mutex.unlock();
01132     }
01133     catch(const std::exception & exception )
01134     {
01135         QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Critical Error!"), tr("Please report this problem to adrabi[at]gmail[dot]com =)."));
01136     }
01137 }

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