void AiMainWindow::fileSave (  )  [private, slot]

slot for saving an image file ( theoretically generated fractal=) )

Definition at line 199 of file aimainwindow.cpp.

00200 {
00201     try
00202     {
00203         //~ test if file name to save image is empty (in first time)
00204         //~ for not show again a file dialog to save image =)
00205         if( m_saveFile.isEmpty() )
00206         {
00207             m_saveFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Image"), "", tr("Image File (*.png)"));
00208         }
00210         //~ save png image
00211         m_view->view()->saveAs( m_saveFile );
00212     }
00213     catch(const std::exception & exception )
00214     {
00215         QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Critical Error!"), tr("Please report this problem to adrabi[at]gmail[dot]com =)."));
00216     }
00217 }

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Generated on Sat Feb 27 08:33:17 2010 for AiFractals by  doxygen 1.6.1